Who We Serve

Woman with headwrap smiling looking to the right

Repaired Nations prioritizes its work in the flatlands of East Oakland, CA, and is expanding to Richmond, CA. The communities we work with have learned to support each other when times are hard; through their example, our work translates family values into cooperative businesses. While we focus on enriching Black youth and young adults with an interest in cooperative development, our programs are open to all in the community. We focus on building intergenerational connections by weaving together experiences, resources, and love for community.

We recognize that those we serve have historically been targeted and led astray by school to prison pipelines, lacked employment and ownership opportunities, victimized by police terrorism, and suffered the horrendous effects of gang violence. We hope that our programs are healing, and provide a springboard for an even stronger and more resilient future.

Impact Overview

Repaired Nations educates Black entrepreneurs, funds cooperative businesses, and connects communities. Repaired Nations collects data on the number of program participants, their level of engagement, and the amount of funding it sub-grants to new and developing cooperatives. Case studies show that cooperative education and business creation have a significant impact on local economies and community wellness.

After Repaired Nations’ 2019 conference and exchange program in Ghana, many attendees discussed how to establish a business that connects the diasporans in California. This led to the creation of Authentik Afrikan, a clothing company focused on upskilling new seamstresses. During two years of operation during the pandemic, Authentik Afrikan employed three near-full-time workers and several part-time experienced seamstresses to make chic, Afro-centric masks and sweatpants.  

OAXXANDA was created in 2020, when nice organizations, businesses, and entrepreneurs came together seeking to create cooperatively owned, mixed-use space in Oakland. Since then, the organization has incorporated and written bylaws, raised more than $350,000 in funding, and conducted feasibility studies for several potential property acquisitions.

The DEEP Grocery Cooperative was initially established in 2019 as the East Oakland Grocery Cooperative when a steering committee picked initial candidate-members, provided education on the basics of cooperatives, and set up industry training with a local cooperative. Since then, the group of five cooperators conducted feasibility studies for potential buildings and hosted many charitable grocery giveaways.

Our Community

Repaired Nations has the privilege of collaborating with dozens of funders, partners, and member cooperatives.

Funder Organizations

Funder organizations support Repaired Nations and its cooperative projects.

Selected Partners
& Community Members

Partners and collaborators work with Repaired Nations to achieve our mission.

Repaired Nations
Member Organizations

Member cooperatives receive hands-on support from Repaired Nations
and are voted-in as members by the collective.